
ADDIS ABABA, ETHIOPIA:- 5 JUNE 2024:  The Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces of Liberia Brigadier General Davidson F. Forleh has recounted with satisfaction the courageous and devoted service of the African Union Commission in the consolidation of Peace and Security on the African Continent as well as the promotion of Good Governance.


Speaking during the 16th Ordinary Session of the Specialized Technical Committee on Defense and Security of the African Union, the Chief of Staff Congratulated the African Union, most especially the Department of Political affairs Peace and Security on behalf of his Excellency Ambassador Joseph Nyumah Boakai, President of the Republic of Liberia, for the overwhelming support the country received both through material and human kind, during the October 10, 2023, Presidential and Legislative Elections and the November 14, 2023, runoff Elections that contributed significantly to transparency and accountability in the result management system.


Chief of Staff Forleh , asserted that Liberia under the dynamic leadership of His Excellency, President Joseph Nyumah Boakai stands ready to work with the Commission through the Department of Political Affairs Peace and Security in contributing its expertise in the areas of conflict resolution, post conflict reconstruction and the development and consolidation of peace across the African Continent.


On the sidelines of the Session, Chief of Staff Forleh, who in 2018 to 2022 was accredited to the African Union as Defense Attaché and served on the Military Staff Committee of the Peace and Security Council of the African Union, accompanied by the Deputy Inspector General of the Liberian National Police for Operations, Atty. J. Nelson Freeman, paid a courtesy call on the Director of Conflict Management of the Department of Political Affairs, Peace and Security Dr. Sarjo Bah to seek further support for logistical and capacity building for the Armed Forces of Liberia and the Liberia National Police, particularly for infantry, Agriculture, engineering equipments and non lethal capabilities.



Chief of Staff used the occasion to inform the Director that the Armed Forces of Liberia and the entire Security Sector have gone under rigorous and professional training, but still face logistical challenges. Chief of Staff further used the occasion to request Liberia’s participation in both Peace Support Operation and Military Staff Support to the African Union Missions.


For his part, Director Bah lauded Chief of Staff Forleh, for the courtesy call and assured the Liberian delegation that under his tenure as Director for Conflict Management of the African Union Political Affairs Peace and Security Department, he will foster close and cordial working relations with Liberia. He further assured that he will work assiduously towards opening a corridor where Liberia will be given considerable logistical equipment for use by the Armed Forces of Liberia and the Liberia National Police, when a formal and written request is made by the Government of Liberia. He further asserted that besides the logistical support from the Commission to the AFL and the Liberia National Police, the Commission will also make some inroads by initiating discussions with its largest logistical donor, the People’s Republic of China to directly channel some of its logistical support intended for the Commission to the Government of Liberia.


Director Bah concluded by extending his heartfelt thanks and appreciation to His Excellency President Joseph Nyumah Boakai, the Government and People of Liberia for the overwhelming support his department has received and continues to receive since his ascendency to the coveted position .

Deputy Minister
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